2024-08-19 15:45
最近又想起來看The good doctor: season five.
這集播到Arthur wolke 的爸爸來找他,因為他得了癌症末期,他的爸爸是個猶太教的拉比,希望Arthur can be a rabbi and a straight one as well but Arthur wanted the true himself who is a gay and doesn’t want to a rabbi at all.
Anyway 他們之間的矛盾很大,最後診斷發現他的父親只剩下幾週的生命,而他父親決定回家,因為他寧可死在家人身邊也不要死在醫院。
他們之間還是沒辦法互相理解,而且也沒有機會了。That goodbye is really for good.
只是不經意還是想到如果我是他,if I was in his shoes, if I got that chance to say that goodbye in the face to my dad, would I suffer less, or more ? idk