- Goth people
- Dubstep Ravers
- LGBTQ+ 🏳️🌈
- 2000s lovers
- piercing lovers 💉
- post hardcore enjoyers 🎵
- Alt people💜
- Emo people 🖤🤍🖤
- Metalheads ☠️
-Gothic aesthetic 🩸💉👻
- Cybergoth 👾
- Industrial ☣️
-Horror fans 👻
- hello kitty fans 🎀
- my little pony fans 🌸
- hair dye lovers 💈
- Scene Queens 💎🎵
- Alt/goth makeup 💄
If this somehow reaches you let’s be besties!
I started a GC on IG. ✨ If you want to be in the Emo/Goth chat 💬 DM me & I’ll add you