2024-06-23 05:06
Just listened to a podcast tdy
Toxic resilience: just tough it out and carry on
Pushing through difficulties without recognizing our limits and need for rest can be detrimental.
Resilience is valuable, but it has its limits. Constantly "toughing it out" without respite can lead to burnout, illness, and other negative impacts.
發現隔硬頂所有野 身體會好誠實地話你知唔掂 呢一年其實有好多唔開心好透唔到氣嘅時候但只係ignore佢 然後就病多咗好多 身體好多炎症 maybe this is a signal that I should take a break from everything. 翻學前想真正放自己一個假 好好停落嚟 休息一下