2024-06-23 13:55
話說店主黎緊七月十四日會係216 Main Street Unionville, Markham到參加人生第一次市集!好緊張又好興奮🥹身為一個比Anxiety 主導嘅人就好似inside out 2 咁用好多imagination 去諗好多場景搞到自己好驚🤣🤣有無手作人可以分享下自己搞第一次市集嘅經歷?可以留言傾下🫶🏻
大家得閒嘅個日都可以黎揾下我傾下計仲有好多其他vendor! 🥰
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Hi everyone! I am one of the vendor for Crafteria in 216 Main Street Unionville, Markham on July 14,2024. I am very excited and nervous at the same time. Is there anyone out there who would like to share their experience on their first market? 🥰 Come find me on the day!