Childs - Mariana
M83 - Wait
M83 - Lower your eyelid to die with the sun
EF - Alp Lugens and Beyond
EF - Tomorrow my friend…
Pink Floyd - Wish you were here
The Black Atlantic - I shall cross the river
Seafret - Ocean
Mogwai - Rano Pano
Mono - Halcyon (Beautiful days)
甜梅號 - 月娘總是照著我們
World's End Girlfriend - 水の線路「命は」
老王唱的 Jesus. Etc
LCD Soundsystem - All my friends
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - East Hastings
巨大的轟鳴 - 一分耕耘沒有一分收獲
K.C Accidental - Tired hands
Granddaddy - What happened…