2024-08-23 14:32
Smlm i did one huge mistake. Ade open day kat sklh. Parents dtg bncng2 psal result anak. Then smpaila turn parents ni. Konon i nk berbasa basi, n i trsebut 'oh..dtg nk tgk result cucu ke?' 😭😭😭. Seriously mmg slh i, i shouldn't say that walupun dorang mmg nmpak tua n mmg betul agak berumur sbb wife dh 52, husbnd dh 55 (after i check dlm APDM). So today, i said to my 10 yrs old student..kirim slm pd mak n ayah ya. N tcr mnta maaf sbb tnya mcm tu smlm 😬😬