2024-09-02 20:40
Compound Row Machine: 2 sets of 10 (warm-up); 2 sets of 10 (125lbs), 2 sets of 8 (135lbs); 2 sets of 6 (145lbs); 2 sets of 4 (155lbs); 2 sets 2 (200lbs); 1 set of 2 (240lbs; machine maximum weight)
Lat Pulldown: 1 set of 10 (145lbs); 1 set of 8 (165lbs); 1 set of 6 (185lbs); 1 set of 4 (205lbs); 1 set of 2 (225lbs)
Back Extension: 5 sets of 10 (150lbs)
Knee In Crunches w/ Dumbbell: 5 sets of 20 (10 per side)
Workout Continued ⬇️