2024-09-27 10:50
I find it amusing that teachers don't know how to use smartboards even today in the digital age. Why would schools invest in them if the faculty can't even use them right?






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13 小時內
Damon Conway
Please note, I am NOT attacking any teachers in particular here. I'm just sharing my own fascination how, even today with the world's reliance on technology, there are people out there who still struggle with it, what with the 'expectations' that society has that everyone should know how to use it almost as if it were like dressing yourself. I wrote this up because today in a lecture, my tutor had trouble changing the display on the smartboard from the PowerPoint to a YouTube video.
15 小時內
Heather Mildred
I do know how to use one, but only because I'm decent with technology. Part of the reason many of my colleagues don't know how to use them is that they... just appeared one day in many (but not all) of the rooms, and we were given ZERO notice or training as to how to use them...
15 小時內
Andrew Dembek
I worked for years at a well-established private school in California that did not have smart boards, but projectors and a white board. The new district I work in has ViewSonic boards that we received zero training in using and realistically no time to figure out on our own before school started. We can't pretend that people are just going to magically know how to use new and constantly-changing technology without training or resources.
16 小時內
Eric Neiwert
So one person in education struggling with technology means we all struggle with it? I have a flat panel in my classroom and use it daily as do my peers. Unless you have some other kind of proof you are casting aspersions that are patently false.
16 小時內
Jennifer Best
We got them but mine doesn’t work properly. Scrolling and touchscreen won’t work and I can’t get any technical support.
17 小時內
Christi Bickley
I actually had my smart tv removed from my classroom this year. They couldn’t mount it because of the room lay out so it was on a stand that took up a lot of real estate in a tight room of 32 kids. It was a trip hazard during chem labs and across the room from my computer. To go between windows I needed to walk across to my desk. It was blue toothed so there was a delay when I tried to write on it. And I had to train myself on the things I could do in my spare time as I was new to the building.
17 小時內
Toby Lynn
A lot of these comments are mean spirited. I am old and a retired school counselor. I used a Smart Board as well as my colleagues. With guidance and training they are a wonderful teaching tool. ❤️
18 小時內
Cristy Duran
We do. They’re so glitchy that we prefer to stick to Google slides.
19 小時內
Caroline Likar Walline
It’s because it’s one more thing that teachers are expected to learn ON THEIR OWN TIME AND THEY DONT HAVE ANYMORE TIME TO GIVE.
19 小時內
Well let’s see. Come in in Sept to a smart TV, a new science program, a new Math program, weekly data meetings during prep time, back to school night, getting every child where they should be on their iPads so they can take required evaluations, IEP meetings, faculty meetings, should I go on? So which task should I learn first? Do tell.

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