2024-10-18 00:59
有啲客真係好有趣,有時就算好想幫佢都唔知點幫佢好😂 聽過以下各種搞笑嘅要求
「I am using (a product) but I don’t know the brand. Can you help me?」 跟住比親佢都話唔啱,最後「I can’t remember how it looks like」
「Do you have anything that can help me relax?」 問佢想要搽嘅定食嘅 「well…. Just anything. I don’t know, you know, relax」
「I want to make a gift box for my friend’s birthday and I only have $80 budget. What do you recommend?」
「I only want local brand, organic and with good price.」