2024-11-09 14:17
I dropped my daughter off to volunteer with a group of people raking leaves for low income and elderly people. As she was walking in, a group of male college students were also showing up. My heart sank. I had to text her to not go with any males in the group and to stay by the females. I’m so tired of having to teach my daughters to protect themselves instead of society teaching boys to not be predators…






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36 分鐘內
Mr Flibble
So the only thing these students did to be labelled a “predator” was to turn up as a man……are you aware how batshit histrionic you sound? You should teach your daughters to not listen a single syllable you utter
You are just bat shit crazy lady if you are that scared of men now take your kid and yourself back to the basement and board it for the safety of all of us
Teri Miller Giesler
So far this could quite possibly be the absolute worst comment I have read. We should teach our children to yes be aware of situations that are not safe for them. But you have whitewashed a group of young men for absolutely no reason. If you want to talk fascism, this is exactly how the Nazis taught a generation of young people how to hate someone just because they were Jews.
2 小時內
Lacey Whyte
You never know which dude is out here writing 'your body, my choice' so why would we risk it, risk our daughters? 🤷🏼‍♀️ And why are the men in your comments so pressed about a woman wanting to be safe? In the military we literally had the buddy system 2/1 for this very reason. I can't believe we are still hearing notallmen in 2024, what a rudimentary concept.
2 小時內
Megan Fuller Migliore
So now you’re profiling male college students? Those boys were also there to volunteer and help the elderly. Did it enter your mind that boys can be good people also? I have a son who’s in college, he’s a good and decent person. You’re part of the reason the democrats lost.
7 小時內
Michael Griffin
Good job instilling imaginary fears in your daughter's mind and teaching her to vilify men as she grows older and becomes an adult . That dysfunctional bias will serve her well in the future as she becomes a single car parent

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