2024-11-10 23:24
Will vs. Well
“One might score 100% on well(delivery time, work quality, excellent job execution), but might score 0% on the other(soft skill, behavior, team work)”
這週終於堵到許久不見的老闆在辦公室一天, 成功跟他約到一個121…
我原本想說服他cut all UK engineer is a bad idea… 但卻反過來被說服了,以LT的觀點不外乎the value you bring verse the cost + accountability + solution
我自己總結為 - 英國工程師太貴(比起印度只要花20%cost就可以找到同等level), 又不喜歡攬責任(no accountability),不敢冒任何風險(起因為他們極少跟business互動以致不理解所擔憂的是極低business risk),visibility不足因為他們不進辦公室
Good lesson & learning