2024-11-17 20:29
우리아들 자랑좀 할께. 내가 엄청 늦게가진 막내야. 얼마전 13살됬어. 태어났을땐 찐빵이었는데 지금은 넘 미남됬어. 공부도 엄청 잘해. 근데 코메디언처럼 웃겨. 한국은 태어나서 딱 한번 가봤지만 한국을 엄청사랑하는 아이야. 이 험한 세상에 잘 컸으면 좋겠어.
I would like to brag about my son a bit. I had him quite late. He just turned “13”! Oh boy! He is a teen now. He looked like a dumpling when he was born yet he is turning into one beautiful little man. He is extremely smart and funny. He is very proud to be who he is. I pray this scary world would be a safe place for him.