2024-12-02 03:42
The old saying never gets too old, racket head speed is the key to power. Creating power is one thing, how efficiently you send power through is another. Coiling, lowering, split stepping creates you the power from the ground and from the twist, however, we still need a fast and loosen arm.
力量傳遞: 動作一定要放鬆,咁先唔會減慢fing 拍速度。今次係同<香港張之臻>訓練呢樣嘢,唔好用死力,好容易失控。佢大致掌握之後佢再同一個月前同佢打過嘅波友再打,一個月前仲係大約大家咬住一個tiebreak; 一個月之後,佢同我講 “I did so well, I won by 6-1 6-0 3-0🥹”佢話對家exactly 同佢講就係啲力量點解大咗頂佢唔住。