2025-01-06 08:09
what I learnt from things I heard tdy: she always hold a grudge against people and when it ends, she always think things can be fixed 無論係佢同屋企人嘅關係/佢同一堆toxic朋友已完結既友誼/佢同亂搞過嘅對象 佢從來都冇面對過件事已經完咗呢個事實 佢接受唔到要割捨一啲人或事 or就係唔肯接受my fam are screwed just the way they are n its not fixable just 成個人醒咗 雖然我沒有咁糟糕嘅經歷 但係好多時候都會抱住一絲嘅希望覺得件事會有彎轉 and it would eventually ruin ur life