2025-01-06 10:37
自問之前仲係nursing student嘅時候
不過可能係機緣巧合 我翻開嘅ward都比較輕鬆 (medical,rehab wards, endoscopy…)
覺得nursing其實都唔係咁辛苦姐 我一直都好enjoy同啲patient互動 又有得學到好多medical knowledge😙
直至到我畢業搵到我第一份registered nurse嘅工
第一次見到病人deteriorate (Ikr,實習三年都冇咩見過)
第一次見到met call, code black
第一次經歷patient falls + 做risk man
and so much more
First year out as a graduate nurse was definitely one of the most challenging time I have been through, honestly till this day I do not know how I’ve managed to survive this 🫶🏻
澳洲護理 🇦🇺