2025-01-21 14:51
My last night in Vancity is this THURSDAY, Jan 23rd @anthemsoundlounge and we’re ending it at 45 THURSDAYS with a dope jam session -
@dj_bles_sed (45bandits NYC)
@djpluv (slowjamsundays)
@djhector.dig (Groovy Gentlemen Crew)
…and more! Come thru to find out!
S/O to @rellyrels + @djrelly_relik (tabletutors) for having me!
Dinner, drinks and 45s + vinyl 80s-00s R&B and Funk from 7pm to 12am
LMK if you’re coming thru!
#vancouver #vancity #vinyl #45s #45dj #anthemsoundlounge