2025-01-24 09:55
男の人がガーター付きストッキング好きな理由はいろいろあるよね?でも女の人は…たぶんトイレが楽だからかも?🤭私はそう思ってるけど(笑)💋 みんなはどんなのが好きなの?コメントで教えて~✨参考にして、もっとドキッとさせちゃうかも😝💖
So, guys probably have all kinds of reasons for loving garter stockings, right? But for women… maybe it’s just because they’re super convenient for bathroom breaks? 🤭 At least, that’s my theory haha 💋 What kind do you like? Let me know in the comments! I might use your ideas to turn up the charm even more 😝✨