2025-01-24 16:08
Halo:) 想問下有冇人係Manchester機場 運2個大gip(30’) 加一個road bike(已入箱)反英國屋企?
我驚uber XL 味必放得落個bike box (155L, 28W, 85H) 同埋應該約係邊個位等? (我考慮埋推行李車應該推唔到去west storey parking? 同埋暫時未知邊個terminal ps. Finnair)
Thank you so much much!!!!!
Hi :) I need to transport 2 large suitcases (30’) and a road bike (in a box, dimensions (155 L, 28W, 85H) from Manchester Airport to my home in the UK. I’m concerned that an Uber XL might not be able to fit the bike box.