2025-01-25 23:44
Red wing, 888, Kangatan greenの紙箱。少なくとも1960年代のどこかまでは専用スーツケース、ソックスやシューケア道具と共に販売されていたようですが、今回入手した1971年の888は紙箱でした。スーツケース付きの888も見たくなりますが、かなり難しそうです😅
The paper box that contained the Red Wing 888 Kangatan Green. It seems that at least until somewhere in the 1960s, they were sold together with a dedicated suitcase, socks, and shoe care tools. However, the 888 I acquired this time from 1971 came in a paper box. I’d love to see an 888 with a suitcase, but it seems quite difficult to find one.