2025-02-06 18:01
Folks, has been a while. Let’s talk a bit about the pronation here.
Pronation 一詞大家應該唔陌生,但係其實個樣應該係點嘅呢?分享少少。
呢位同學係網球學界嘅E神,可以見到佢第一條片followthrough 係比較生硬,係未做到pronation 所致。 第二條片就係一個做得好嘅 followthrough with pronation.
A proper pronation would help a lot to create more shape as well; not only it helps you to keep the swing speed high, it will also create more dips.
Pronation 可以令收拍唔會減慢,可製造更多力量及旋轉,令球型更曲更沉。 唔少人有一個謬誤,就係仲係會follow through low to high, 打上去左膊頭收拍,咁樣係好難製造pronation.
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