2025-03-05 19:58
나의 뜨개 전시 공간🎀
최근 완성한 뜨개를 한동안 걸어 놓는 곳이예요
나혼자 보는 공간이지만 왔다 갔다하면서 보면 그냥 기분이 좋아 지더라구요
사진찍는데 유비가 앉아 있길래 같이 한컷 😂
Here’s my little knitting gallery 🎀 It’s a place where I hang up my latest finished knitting projects for a while. It’s just for me, but every time I pass by and take a look, it lifts my spirits. I was trying to take a picture, and Yubi happened to sit down, so we captured the moment together!
#뜨개질 #knitting