2025-03-06 10:38
題目:If the structure W of a person is removed in a surgery, how would the digestion of food be affected? Explain your answer.
同學回答係:Structure W is the gallbladder. …the digestion of food will not be affected because…
答題技巧上,第一點係做得好,要先講咩係W。但之後話佢唔影響消化,已經即時0分。題目問 HOW would the digestion of food be affected,意味著be affected受影響已經係既定的、不爭的事實,無膽消化係會受影響。答案度話「唔受影響」,我之後都唔需要睇落去,一個大交叉就收工啦。
如果佢要問你會否受影響,會問will it be affected,唔會有HOW呢個字。