2025-02-14 15:59
聽講琴日係小三節,然後今日係情人節☺️又長知識了😂呢排睇好多Treads,成日有人問點解d靚女單身,因為有時情緒價值又無,物質你又俾唔到,咁佢點解仲需要你?唯一有用既可能就係X😊點解養男人唔養狗?因為狗唔可以當男人用,男人可以當狗用,汪🐶 ⬇️中英不乎
You’re a 3 because you need 2 realize that I‘m the 1 made 4 you❤️I promise to always be by your side, or under you, or on top.😈
Say about your lunch but not your boyfriend?
Nice start horrible aftertaste
This isn’t spread like it used to
The same thing day after day after day
Hey, you want to swap?
#晚安 #語錄 #毒雞湯 #情人節 #情人節快樂 #goodnight #hkig #hkg #mixgirl