2025-02-20 08:22
새벽부터 배탈나서 토하느라 잠도못자고…
4시간 남짓 겨우자고 세레모니 다녀왔…
근데 사진도찍어야하니 스마일 잃지않으려고ㅎㅎ
멀어져가는 정신 부여잡고..
겨우다녀왔네 :)
오늘부터 호주시민 🇦🇺
잘부탁해 :)
I was up all night sick and barely got four hours of sleep before heading to the ceremony.
It was tough ㅠㅠ
But I still had to take photos, so I did my best to keep smiling.
Held myself together and somehow made it through. :)
As of today, I’m officially an Australian citizen 🇦🇺
Excited for this new chapter! :)