2025-02-22 03:32
Just realised, Malaysia is a TAO Country 🤣🤣
A Bolehland and Taoland 🤣
Malaysia = The Most Taoist Country Without Realizing It
🔹 顺其自然 (Go with the flow) = "Tak apa lah" 🇲🇾
🔹 无为而治(Rule by doing nothing) = "Gov do what? Nvm lah" 🫠
🔹 阴阳平衡 (Balance of Opposites) = "Gaduh sikit, later makan together" 🍛
🔹小事化无,大事化小 (Big problems become small, small problems disappear) = "Boleh settle tepi jalan" 🤝
Malaysia bukan sekadar Bolehland, ini TaoLand bro! 🤣