2025-03-17 00:47
Buah keranji for Ramadan Energy Booster. If jumpa kat pasar, beli lah nanti (agaknya tgh musim ke tu?)Dlm 3rd Photo tu bungkusan buah keranji yg pernah dibawa balik utk buat Molecular Pairing Test(GC-MS) Buah Keranji is Velvet Tamarind/Tamarind plum. Harus
beli buat infused water n add a bit salt as electrolyte water. Tak pun mkn jer. Due to high content of VitC, Iron, Calcium + several polyphenols yg best f.ex 1.Flavonoid (Quercetin, Catechin) 2. Procyanidin 3-Phenolic &4. Tannin👌🏻