2025-03-17 18:44
A set of child photography in TKO area only in 20mins 係將軍澳嘅一個公園🌿拍攝了20分鐘⏰的一輯相
3 families join together, every family can have a set of beautiful photos without spending more than a thousand . 諗梗有3個家庭參加 , 可以每家庭平均不用過4位數字就有一輯靚相 🎞️
If you are interested, please let me know in comment which day +time + area do you want? 有興趣可以係度夾夾 想邊日+幾點+邊一區?
🌟No upsells or hard sells. only one price
無upsell 亦無hard sell .只得一個價錢.
同小朋友有互動 會更易出片 ~ 放心交小朋友俾我 ! (絕對唔係怪叔叔🤭)
歡迎預約查詢 DM ig@mimoophoto