2025-03-18 13:16
網上人話別人盲撐金秀賢,係因為金秀賢盲粉/腦粉,所以亂咁撐! 咁我話你知,我唔係粉絲,我連『淚之女王』 都只係睇左 1 集,你又話我從來唔了解金秀賢憑乜替佢講說話。咁即係你講晒啦! 我發覺呢類留言嘅人多野都係無頭像,無 followers, 無出過 Threads 嘅空帳戶。 Let me state clearly: I always emphasise being kind to everyone. We are all spectators. It is very easy to point your fingers at a stranger or even a celebrity online, but think about the damage you made when what you said about someone is pointless. Those who made harsh comments about me are mostly empty accounts with no profile pictures, no followers.支持金秀賢